Achieve more with Clair – activate your professional and personal self.



Hello, I'm Clair Turner. Over the past two decades, I've dedicated my career to facilitating transformation - both personal and professional. Whether you're seeking to elevate your career, enhance personal relationships or navigate significant life changes, I'm here to guide and empower you.

My approach is personalised and strategic, ensuring that every client receives the support necessary to uncover and reach their full potential. From CEOs and artists to entrepreneurs and individuals facing personal upheavals, my coaching provides the clarity and direction needed to make profound life advancements.

What transformation are you seeking this year?

Are there challenges or conflicts impeding your progress? Let's define your objectives and map out a path to success. My expertise spans across leadership development and navigating complex personal transitions, including divorce.

Explore my leadership coaching services and navigating divorce program to discover how we can achieve remarkable growth together. Your potential is limitless, and my commitment is to ensure you reach it



Coaching Approach

Clair offers coaching services grounded in over two decades of experience, accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the premier global organisation for coach practitioners. Holding an ICF credential signifies a coach's adherence to rigorous standards of education, experience, and competency, reflecting a deep commitment to integrity, mastery of coaching skills, and a dedication to client success.

Clair collaborates with individuals and teams to effectively navigate challenges and conflicts by introducing tailored strategies and mindsets designed for resolution and achievement.

Offering online sessions or face-to-face meetings or, Clair provides flexible coaching solutions to meet the diverse needs of her clients, ensuring accessibility and convenience.


Book a complimentary15 min call to discuss
a tailored approach today.