Giving in a Time of Crisis


As a leadership development coach, challenging individuals to overcome fear and to embrace change is at the heart of what I do.  I have never known a time when this has been more important than now.

There is no doubt that the devastating effects of the COVID-19 crisis will be with us for a long time to come, in our social, emotional and professional worlds. Many lives will be touched by the loss of loved ones, by the loss (and fear of loss) of financial security, for the loss of a world as we knew it. None of us will emerge unchanged by this experience.  

We are fortunate at this time to live in a nation, and especially a state, in which strong leadership is being demonstrated, and our sense of responsibility for each other’s’ welfare is at the forefront of our thinking. But this does not rule out an opportunity for us each to consider the ways we may embrace inner leadership. This may simply be at home as we home school and parent and work, but there are unlimited opportunities for us to show leadership in our communities, and in our thinking. Do we want to return to the old ways of living and working? And if we do not, then what type of leadership will we choose to embrace?.

For me, leadership is about visioning our future, encouraging risk-taking, challenging old ways of thinking and behaving. Leadership is about confidence, and enabling the agency of others towards action, to be supportive and to be outwardly focused. It requires a strong moral compass to exercise these obligations well. But I find myself reflecting more and more on the role of giving in leadership, and this current time tells me that true leadership is very much about care and giving.

Supporting others is not new to me. I usually meet and work with people at the point of change, and often at the point of crisis. In this way, I am more than ready for the challenges of this time than some.

In the past fortnight, I have worked closely with clients and colleagues to explore, articulate and deliver – quickly & creatively -services in this new “online world”.  Every single contact has been meaningful, purposeful and enriching.

 My beautiful and anxious teenage child asked me why was I so busy with my clients when I should be taking time off to prepare for a lengthy lockdown, and to support my children in their home-based learning. It’s was a wise and fair question.

I explained to her that while family will always come first, the role of a leader is to support those who need leading and this week I needed to put my leadership hat on. I needed to pull it down tight and to work solidly to meet every request for support and guidance that came my way. Not all of these endeavours offered a financial reward, but each a chance to lead and it is a privilege to step up and embrace these new challenges with the whole of my heart and mind.

 What will come of this time?  I hope it will bring deeper connections, greater trust, and true collaboration. I hope we will see incredible creativity - an explosion of new ideas.

Crisis brings out the best and the worst in humans, but I have found that if we have the opportunity to lead, care and support it is usually the best. If we can manage our fear, find our flexibility, and courageously step into this new future we will be able to take pride and find energy reserves in our response.

So let’s do it together. Let’s share the responsibility of leadership, by tapping into what we have to give. Let’s embrace the possibility of new ways of working, increased self-responsibility, generosity, and community and support those who are suffering loss right now. 

I wish you and your families all the best, stay safe and stay in touch.





Clair Turner