Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing break and are feeling ready and refreshed to enjoy all that awaits in 2019.

Each year, I start an intensive review of the previous year. What goals were set, what was achieved (or not)  and what goals still need to be pursued, or mastered, in the year ahead?

In the coaching realm, we speak about personal goals constantly, harnessing intentions and moving towards them. Goal setting offers structure and purpose and to some security. 

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Clair Turner
Leading with our hearts

This week I’ve been considering the theme of giving in leadership. Many people think of leaders as “doers” who “tell” others what to do, but in the past week I’ve witnessed two very effective acts of leadership that stem from a place of giving back to the community. To be truly effective it’s important for us all to be connected to our deep motivations, and to find tangible and meaningful ways of expressing them. This includes exploring any blocks that may prevent us from leading with our hearts…

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Clair Turner