Welcome to the Navigating Divorce Program, a comprehensive 14-week journey designed to transform the challenges of divorce into opportunities for personal and emotional growth. Led by Clair Turner, an experienced coach and mentor, this program offers a blend of professional guidance, community support, and personalised strategies to help you navigate your divorce with resilience and empowerment.

About the Program

The Navigating Divorce program is built on hundreds of hours of research, coaching experience, and Clair’s deep understanding of the emotional and practical complexities of divorce. Our goal is to support you through this transition, providing the tools and insights needed to emerge stronger and more confident in your next chapter.

Program Features

  • Online Seminars: Fortnightly seminars covering key aspects of navigating divorce, including emotional resilience, legal considerations, and personal well-being.

  • Self-Paced Learning: Curated resources and materials for you to explore at your own pace, deepening your understanding of each seminar topic.

  • One-on-One Coaching: Personal coaching sessions with Clair, offering tailored advice and strategies to address your unique situation and goals.

Your Investment in Growth

The Navigating Divorce program is an investment in your future well-being and personal development. Program fee: $4,950. This includes access to all seminars, learning materials, and personal coaching sessions.

Why Choose Navigating Divorce?

  • Expert Guidance: Clair brings her extensive experience in leadership coaching and personal development to each aspect of the program.

  • Community Support: Connect with others who understand your journey, sharing experiences and insights in a supportive environment.

  • Personalised Strategies: Receive coaching that addresses your specific needs, helping you to navigate divorce with clarity and purpose.

Ready to Begin?

If you're facing the complexities of divorce and are ready to turn this challenging time into an opportunity for growth, we invite you to join us. The first step is a complimentary 15 minute call with Clair to discuss how the Navigating Divorce program can support your journey.

Contact Me

For more information or to ask any questions about the Navigating Divorce program, please reach out.

I’m here to support you every step of the way.