Invest in your growth with the Navigating Divorce program

Divorce reshapes your world, and navigating this transformation requires more than just inner strength—it demands a comprehensive set of skills to manage the emotional, parental, and professional changes you'll face. This is where the Navigating Divorce (ND) program steps in, offering a 14-week journey guided by Clair Turner, designed to help you emerge from divorce not just intact, but empowered and ready for a fresh start.

The ND Program: a 14-week journey of transformation

For a fee of $4,950, the ND program gives you access to an exclusive 14-week transformative experience. This fee encompasses a multitude of resources, all aimed at facilitating growth during and after your divorce, including:

  • Interactive online seminars: Fortnightly live seminars address the various challenges of navigating through and beyond divorce, focusing on building emotional resilience and practical life management skills.

  • Tailored self-paced learning: Specially curated content for self-paced learning complements the live seminars, allowing you to explore topics in depth at a pace that suits your personal rhythm and schedule.

  • Personalised coaching: Clair Turner provides one-on-one coaching sessions, offering bespoke support tailored to your unique circumstances, aiding your personal and professional growth.

Your commitment to change

Joining the ND program means committing to a journey of self-discovery and skill development. Each week, you’ll engage with learning materials, participate in seminars, and invest in personal reflection, all critical for fostering your growth.

Why enroll in ND?

Amidst the turmoil of divorce, ND stands as a beacon of guidance—your compass amidst the storm. It's a pathway to transforming one of life's most challenging events into a springboard for profound personal development and richer connections.

Embark on your journey

If you're ready to turn the challenges of divorce into opportunities for growth, ND is ready for you. With our structured program, you'll gain the tools and support needed to rebuild your life with newfound confidence.

Begin with a conversation

The first step is simple: a complimentary 15-minute call with Clair Turner to explore how the ND program can fit into your narrative of change.

Book your free 15 minute consultation.

Let's navigate forward

With ND, you're not just moving on; you're moving upward. Embrace this journey with us, where every challenge is a stepping stone to growth, leadership, and new beginnings.