Posts tagged separation and divorce
Mastering health and wealth amid divorce | stop 11 on the divorce map

Embarking on a divorce or separation shifts not only your personal life but also demands a proactive approach to managing two critical aspects: your health and finances. This transitional period is your chance to seize control and navigate toward empowerment and resilience.

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Traumatic growth | stop 6 on the divorce map

Divorce can be traumatic and, as a result, some people will experience something known as post-traumatic growth (PTG). PTG is different from resilience and is typified by a traumatic event that challenges one’s core beliefs and produces a difficult psychological struggle as a result

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Effective communication | stop 5 on the divorce map

I can guarantee that the ways in which you have been communicating whilst in an intact relationship are unlikely to continue to work. When emotions run high, boundaries change, and needs diverge; very clear and intentional language will support better outcomes.

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