Leadership and Conflict Competency

Conflict is completely normal in life and at work. Conflict can arise in relation to task ownership, values and interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Task conflict arises over how things get done, personal preferences or entrenched ways of working. Task expectations are often clear to some and not others. 

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Clair Turner
Leading with Vulnerability and Authority

As we return to a more normal run of everyday events, but still a world of grave uncertainty and volatility around political regimes, climate distress, and news of likely recession – leaders need to find that delicate position between vulnerability and stoicism. 

I strongly believe we need to take with us the humanistic lessons that we gained from the pandemic experience – more time for listening and with greater empathy, being curious and encouraging rather than critical or controlling, and facing uncertainty with accountability, courage and care….

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Clair Turner
Festive Season Separation

Research has revealed that there is a seasonal pattern to breakups. January is a busy month for family lawyers, who receive an influx of enquiries about separation and divorce, resulting from relationship breakdowns.

Somewhat ironically, deep dissatisfaction can reveal themselves during what many refer to as the ‘happiest time of the year’. But while conflict in close human relationships is inevitable, combat is optional.

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Clair Turner
Giving in a Time of Crisis

As a leadership development coach, challenging individuals to overcome fear and to embrace change is at the heart of what I do. I have never known a time when this has been more important than now.

There is no doubt that the devastating effects of the COVID-19 crisis will be with us for a long time to come, in our social, emotional and professional worlds. Many lives will be touched by the loss of loved ones, by the loss (and fear of loss) of financial security, for the loss of a world as we knew it. None of us will emerge unchanged by this experience.

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Clair Turner
Focus on Achievement

Winter is not without its challenges, colder days can make motivation elusive, our immune systems are compromised, and the hum drum of our daily routines looms large. But the midpoint of our year is also a great time for reflection and review. It’s an opportunity to refocus on the goals we set at the start of the year, to evaluate our performance and assess our achievements. To tweak, adjust and make meaningful plans for the balance of the year. 

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Clair Turner
Living with Anxious Children

Anxiety is a result of many factors including personal temperament, biological inheritance, modelled behaviour and traumatic life events. Early intervention is most fruitful. Sometimes medication is beneficial and should not be discounted when considering best practice management.  

Our rushed, chaotic, information rich lifestyles are certainly part of the issue. Many parents struggle to find ways to cope in a new technological age and to soothe and calm themselves, thereby missing key opportunities to model appropriate behaviours for their children.

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Clair Turner
Managing Anxiety in Our Children

As many of you know, I’ve been working with anxious children and their families for many years now - supporting people to manage and master challenging emotions is at the heart of my practice. The key to understanding and dealing with anxiety is accepting that anxiety is only a problem when it impairs functioning and presents itself in the wrong situations, or in the wrong amount. 

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Clair Turner

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing break and are feeling ready and refreshed to enjoy all that awaits in 2019.

Each year, I start an intensive review of the previous year. What goals were set, what was achieved (or not)  and what goals still need to be pursued, or mastered, in the year ahead?

In the coaching realm, we speak about personal goals constantly, harnessing intentions and moving towards them. Goal setting offers structure and purpose and to some security. 

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Clair Turner
Leading with our hearts

This week I’ve been considering the theme of giving in leadership. Many people think of leaders as “doers” who “tell” others what to do, but in the past week I’ve witnessed two very effective acts of leadership that stem from a place of giving back to the community. To be truly effective it’s important for us all to be connected to our deep motivations, and to find tangible and meaningful ways of expressing them. This includes exploring any blocks that may prevent us from leading with our hearts…

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Clair Turner